Please visit our main site for truly rockin' apparel for your little ones. Our stuff is also totally loved as baby shower gifts and our super soft, yummy, funky designs always draw tons of "Ooohs and Awwwws" from moms-to-be.
OK - back to the contest! Next week we are giving away 3 (YES THREE!) Target gift cards for $50 each to 3 lucky winners! How do you enter? First - you must follow this blog and leave a cute little comment to this post. That's it. Super easy to win!
So - get ready and start commenting! Winners chosen by random drawing on Friday at 2pm (PST) . Any retweets, blog mentions get you an extra entry. Mention what you like from our line and that might count too! http://www.oohlalamama.com/GOOD LUCK!
Pictured below - Jen - lucky winners of previous Target Gift Card giveaway (from a few contests ago). This could be you! Good luck! Thanks Jen for the awesome pic! She's got a @Themomjen on Twitter. Follow her if you are not already!

And now for a shameless plug about me (yes, it really is all about me - but just sometimes - just after my kids are asleep, hubby's at work, I am not in the ER - my patients are taken care of - and then yes, it is all about me!) So - since this is my moment please listen to my shameless plea:
If you'd be so kind - please vote for us on StartUp Nation - see little VOTE button above? Just click there or HERE. We really appreciate your vote! Thanks! You all now - officially - rock too!

Oh, Cindy, here you go again... ;)
Thanks for the opportunity to win a Target gift card. My kids could spend $50 at Target in no time! :)
wow what a great giveaway! I will be following you!
Oooh, count me in!
Seriously is nothing more therapeutic than going to Target and blowing $50? I think not.
Thanks for the opportunity to get my Target on! XO.
Oh and I blogged about this too!
caroline at doodahdiva dot com
What an awesome give away. Your blue print baby romper is the best!!!!
Hey Cindy, you know I follow you! Ah OY, that photo...freaks me out every time! Thanks again for the generosity and the contests!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/themomjen/status/1260915117
i'm following...and that target gift card is MINE! lol :)
tweet :)
I love that you love to give stuff away! And I just found the CUTEST dress, and it turns out that this card would cover it nicely! LOL!
if i still had kids that were babies or toddlers i like the scribbly love tee. :)
I love the Peace Dove Dress! So adorable!
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/JustJingle/status/1260947571
I love me some Target!!
Don't get to go nearly enough.
I LIVE at Target! I'd spend the $50 on 50 bottles of Vitamin Water... wait, no, Classic Pooh clothes for my daughter...nah, a swimsuit for me (at Target prices, maybe a cute little wrap to cover my post-baby belly, too!)
I retweeted this, too.
Cindy you rock! Thanks for another great giveaway =)
Love Target! Thanks for this giveaway.
Cool! I'm in. Thanks for this giveaway.
Did I miss the deadline? :(
I would LOVE to enter. As I said on Twitter. I love love Target :). I am going to visit your site and tweet about it as well.
Thanks so much for this contest! I *heart* Target :)
If I have a girl, I definitely want the Peace Dove dress!
i heart me some oohh lala (so ofcourse im following) and some target gift cards too..(so ofcourse im entering lol) :)
Great contest! ...
Oh great giveaway!!!
I am following you for sure!!!
My irish twins would love the ROckStar Twin Set!
Love love love Target!!
I am following on Twitter - will retweet.
ltronning (at) hotmail (dot) com
twitter = linthe
With a baby on the way, you know I can use some Target money!!!!!! I'm a blog follower...
give_me_a_latte at yahoo
How do you know to give away gift cards to my favorite place?! Good luck winning on Start Up Nation I've been voting for you.
I wrote a blog about this contest at http://barelydomesticmama.blogspot.com/2009/02/ooh-la-la-mama-is-giving-away-target.html
Who can pass up Target?! My favorite store.
Target Rocks!! What a great giveaway!! I'm a follower!!
BTW- I found this contest through another blog: http://barelydomesticmama.blogspot.com/
Your line of boys clothes is great! My favorite is the Blueprint Baby Romper!!
I tweeted the contest at http://twitter.com/BarelyDomestic/status/1262590508
Ooo! The clothes!! my favorite is this boys Punk rock romper!
I am not sure if this contest started on Friday, and ends on Friday (same day) but I saw you posted it on Twitter~ where I follow you!
I would be super duper excited to win a Target GC~ need lots of diapers. I know, exciting, right? Well, it is my life. Your online store has great items...
MY FAV is the Welcome to the Zoo onesie set!! Seriously~ how cute is that!!
Thanks for the giveaway and chance to win!
Um, this is the coolest contest ever! Target is my love!
I love Target! Thanks for the chance!
http://oohlalamama.com/peacedove.aspx --- This is one of my favorite items in your shop. When I have a baby, I would love to dress her in something as rockin as this peace dove one piece. Too rad!
Oh, and I tweeted too! :)
Just tweeted!
I just found you guys, first via twitter and then your website - I love the clothing designs and can't imagine how you guys handle working full-time and running this business!! YOU ROCK!
my favorite item of the line is the kiss frog tee
I also retweeted this giveaway
I love target
I tweeted!
and i follow! :)
Yay! This is the coolest giveaway!
Give aways like this are amazing!
I voted for you and I just love, love Target,thank-you.
I follow you. Thanks for all the sweet opportunities to win big! Maybe this is my time! :)
I twittered your giveaway-MeganBWR.
I blogged here:
I am loving the blueprint tee from your line. But really, I love everything from your line.
Yay Target!! WOOHOO! I love the Rose Rock Dress on your website, so pretty!
Oh man! You have no idea how bad I need this for maternity clothes! Thanks for the chance!
I tweeted! Tweet Tweet.
ooooh I went to your site, and I love the Punk Rock Diva one piece and the Peace Dove one piece. We find out what we are having in two weeks- I am all over it then.
I've tweeted, I've followed FOR-EV-AH! I heart you and I'll be blogging ya tomorrow in my "shops that rock and bloggers who do too!" post.. win or no win I'm hopelessly in wub with your products!
Very cute stuff, I L.O.V.E your flower charcoal dress! And who doesn't love Target?!?
I follow you, and would love to put a button up for you on my shop/blog, but couldn't find one. Point me in the right direction, and it's done. Thanks!
I am very happily following your blog! I absolutely LOVE your clothes. I could build my soon-to-be daughter's wardrobe with just your stuff! (we are adopting, hence the soon-to-be)
The Scribbly Love dress is my fave thing in your shop, but sadly you don't have it in my little girl's size. :( I love just about everything else you have though, so it's all good. The Peace Dove dress is my 2nd fave!
I blogged
I have one of your outfits and my daughter LOVES it. I'm a follower.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
your stuff is so cute I couldn't pick just one thing I liked!
I LOVE the Punk Rock Diva dress. I only wish my girls were little again. But the next baby girl I know is going to get one of those!
And I tweeted! http://twitter.com/twincident/status/1263980530
Happy to follow and comment.. that is the cutest outfit! :)
Im @_Jodi on twitter i will look for ya to follow :)
I need to go to Target!!
Very exciting giveaway! I just started following you. Thanks!
Yipee.. A $50 Target giftcard =happiness! Thanks!
A cute comment??
How about this:
Your blog redesign is cute.
Your clothing is cute.
I'm cute.
Is that a cute comment?
I hope, I hope! :) :) :)
Umm, Target is my new Nordstrom. No really. A girl has got to have a budget now :)
I clicked to follow your blog through google friend connect, thing that is what you meant :-)
I am new to google friend connect, just added it to my site!
Can't believe you are at this again! I entered last time, maybe have GOOD LUCK this time, it is close to St patty's day!! lol
Barely Domestic Mama sent me over here btw ;-)
I'm a follower and I adore the Flower Charcoal Dress...I need these in really big girl sizes!
shel704 at aol dot com
I tweeted:
shel704 at aol dot com
Target is the best. And there are sooooooo many things I need to get there. THanks for the great giveaway and love your blog!!
I tweeted:
I love the Let It Rock One Piece. It's so cool!
You know the way to this commenters heart...Target gift cards. Oh YEAH!! Thanks for hosting a super giveaway. I would love to be able to buy some smaller size clothes for our spring break vacation!!
I am following you and I WISH AND PRAY that I win! It is my 30th Birthday on Wed March 4th and I registered at Target for my Birthday (there is so many things I need for the new house!) I know it is tacky to register for your birthday but How Many Times do you REALLY turn 30???
Anyway! I will be tweeting and doing EVERYTHING I can to win!!
thanks for the giveaway.
Awesome contest! I'm a new follower.
OK I followed your blog. I would love to win this cause I got a new little one on her way in need a few things and a 2, 5, and 7 yr olds with upcoming birthdays (and yes their all mine) lol.
I am a new follower- this is great!
I love the clothing line as well.
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
(I blogged!) Hope to win....
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
oh yeah! another tweet! uh huh! lol
The new Pinky Wink onesie is so CUTE!!! Makes me want another baby!!
I tweeted... yes that is me! I am @singlemomclaire and @momsmostwanted
i tweeted today
and I am following you!
This is a fun giveaway!! Just checked out your store... amazing designs, I love what you do!!
I follow your blog... and I LOVE it!
Just read the post about the Stroller Strides. That's ridiculous.
would love to win a gc! I am following!
Over from Barely domestic mamma! Love me some Target - and I'm off to vote for you! :)
Great idea! I love Target. Will go retweet this announce again.
Linda Thieman
Katie & Kimble: A Ghost Story
Katie & Kimble: The Magic Wish
Hooray, what a fun giveaway! I love your blog because it has such great content. It's so much fun to read. I was really angry to hear about the trouble Stroller Strides is having!!! Sign me up for the giveaway! --Michelle, blogattoday (&at} gmaildotcom
I am loving the Vintage Love designs!! :) I love all your stuff though! --Michelle, blogattoday (&at} gmaildotcom
I tweeted about the giveaway here: http://twitter.com/sweepstakesgirl/status/1270175802. --Michelle, blogattoday (&at} gmaildotcom
I tweeted again!! Woot! http://twitter.com/sweepstakesgirl/status/1270240600. --Michelle, blogattoday (&at} gmaildotcom
following and definitely voting!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
sweet deal. found you on twitter from a notable mention. God bless you.
I tweeted!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
Oh how I could use this!! We're redecorating our room and could use help!
This stuff is very cute! I have never seen this before, but I am already picking out presents for all the little guys I know. It is so hard to find an original gift and this place has a ton of new, fresh styles! I love it!
Yay! I followed, so I'd like to be in the drawing :)
I love Target. I would stock up on baby food because its cheaper at Target than at the supermarket.
I love Target! I hope I win!
Posted on Facebook: Kimberly Cogley
I love the Punk Rock diva dress! Super-cute!
Just posted a blog at www.theinnsane.com
Awwwww! The Princess Kitty dress is just too cute for words.
$50 at target is a sweet giveaway too.
I'm following!
Following you on twitter and I just tweeted.
twittername: southrngrl
I just tweeted under innsanekim
Retweet tonight
rocking the tweet :)
ciara13b (at) aim (dot) com
Love, love, love your giveaways, Cindy! And, YAHOOOOOO!!! Finally following you! : )))
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
Love the Speedster Blue One Piece (short sleeve) for my sweet guy! : ))) Super cute! : )))
Just TWEETED! : )))
Thanks again! : )))
Cindy, You have a wonderful site and fabulous items. Cool aunties and hip grandmothers will love your dress (http://oohlalamama.com/dresses.aspx.
Hope I'm selected for a Target card! Have some family events coming up and a trip to Target is always helpful.
Caught BarelyDomestic's tweet-to-action and came running this way. Interesting blog posts and cool shop designs, I have myself a new bookmark. :D
Not just saying that to make shopping easier either. lol
Target is my all-time favorite shopping place for just about everything!! Thanks for the chance to enter!
P.S. I LOVE your line and am looking at a dress for my 3 y/o for the summer. I especially love the Peace Dove, Mesmerized and Vintage Love dresses. Thanks again for the chance to enter!!
I follow you! And I love the Blueprint Baby Tee in your store-adorable!
I am a new follower to your blog. Joanne from Barely Domestic Mama sent me your way. I just vored for you in the Start Up Nation contest. best of luck in the competition!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I especially love the Vintage Love short sleeved dress and the Vintage Love onesie! All your items are cute!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Count me in! :) Who wouldn't want $50 at Target to spend! Now I am off to check out the designs! Barely Domestic Mama sent me!
Barely Domestic mama sent me with a tweet! Thanks so much for the giveaway. I'm a Target lover for sure and would get my shopping groove on with an excuse as good as a free gift card!
You got a new follower - me!
Barely Domestic Mama sent me!
I would love to win this. Target is my favorite place to shop!
I'm a follower.
Carol M
mittens0831 AT aol.com
I LOVE LOVE LOVE The peace love dress!!
I am a follower!
I love me some Target! (we don't have it in Canada, so we cross the border just to go there!)
Pick me pick me!:-)
Now I'm following your blog!
I tweeted this:
Oohlala-win some Target gift cards here http://oohlalamamafashion.blogspot.com/2009/02/target-target-target.html
Sadly- I have no babies to buy for here, but this is truly adorable:
Transcendelic Butterfly Bloomers Set
What a wonderful contest...your store is oodles of cuteness! I particularly love this item:
I am a follower :)
Thanks for the great giveaway♥
Just Tweeted!! :)
I love the Vintage Love dress♥ :)
Awesome deal! Count me in :)
Would love to win one of these! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Also retweeted this. (@smtwngrl)
Oh, the joy that is your fun blog! Oh, the greater joy that would come from winning a Target GC from your fun blog! Oh, the joy that is the cute adorable little dresses that you have in your store! Oh, the joys!!!
WHO DOESN'T LOVE TARGET??? I re-tweeted and mentioned on my blog: www.andielynnlovinglife.blogspot.com
Have a great day!
rt a couple of times today!
Twitter name: innsanekim
Following you, love your amazing clothes for wee ones! They're too cute!
I read down and am amazed by the story of how you became an ER doctor...brought tears to my eyes and gave me goosebumps...so glad to see pictures of your dad now too!
I am already following your blog. And I love target!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
I tweeted about this contest: http://twitter.com/MommyNews/status/1285400774
I also voted for you on startup nation - does that count??
The onesie that looks like an Ed Hardy?? OMG it is enough for me to want another baby - or beter yet encourage my oldest son to find a girl, settle down and have me a grandbaby!! waay too cute!
I follow you and would love to win! Target is by far my favorite hangout...I spend way too much money in there as it is...so why not help support my habit? That is why I am entering this contest!
I'm in! I follow you, and have voted a few times already! :o)
Tweet, tweet: @4BabyAndMom
I love you stuff!! i follow your blog!!
I tweeted about this contest! @lovetoshopmom
I LOVE the transcendelic butterfly bloomers set!!!! WAY TOO CUTE!!!
Who couldn't use $50 at Target! I spend that much on diapers! Voted for you at StartUp Nation too! Also Tweeted...
I am now following! Hmmm... cute commment? How about Pick me! Pretty please! LOL
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I did an RT of a tweet from @cindyoohlala. I am @PainterMommy!
Ooh how fun! I am following you and am excited for this contest! I love Target. =)
Woo Hoo! We love Target (who doesn't?)
I Follow you!
more tweeting goodness :)
Duh, I forgot the link to my website where I blogged about the giveaway
And I am @arewethere on Twitter
(keeping my fingers crossed that I win!)
Your stuff is so cute. It will make for some great gifts this year!
Will RT target giveaway!
Pick me! I could really use the money to spend at Target, but more importantly, I want my picture up there next to Jen and Joanne!!
PS--Joanne sent me over here!
And I tweeted about it!
I just LOVE the Standing in Motion dress!!
I love, love, love Target. In fact my daughter and I were there yesterday, coupons in hand. I will vote for you on StartUp Nation and I am a follower of your blog.
TRigell at aol dot com
Thanks for the chance! I could soooo use this right now! I'm a follower!
kandtt (at) msn (dot) com
Oh my, I am so putting your Punk Rock Diva dress on my wish list! My toddler would look adorable in that!
kandtt (at) msn (dot) com
RT'd as kimberlycogley
Rt'd as innsanekim
I tweeted it too! http://twitter.com/Hostess_Tori/status/1289869428
kandtt (at) msn (dot) com
I tweeted for you today!
Parker could stock up on some Pedilyte with those Target gift cards. That stuff is over the top expensive!
We follow you on Twitter as ParkerMama!
And we Tweeted/RT the contest @ ya!
Keeping fingers crossed!
I need so much for our new home, this would be fantastic!
tuesdayef (at) aol dot com
This is a great blog! Please enter my in your Target giveaway.
Following your cute little blog! :-p I would LOVE to win! Have you SEEN the baby clothes section of Target? It rocks!
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
Oh my word, LOVING the Transcendelic Butterfly Bloomers Set from your line!
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
Tweeted this giveaway! @kindred_spirit
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
Thanks for the opportunity. :-)
so im' working on an outfit for the week and i need somethign red with a white circle on it. oh, well, would you look at that? a target gift card. that would be perfect! thanks!
one more tweet for the road :)
oooohhh I love Target!! I'm on my way to retweet about this...although the more people know..the more entries, the less my chance to win...hmmmmm..
Oh! I voted too! Because y'all ROCK IT. Fa shilla!
I love Target!
Oooh how fun!! Thanks for a GREAT giveaway.
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